We want to dedicate this month to decoration because it is undoubtedly one of the most effective tools for those who design furnishings for the hospitality industry and therefore it seems right to us to highlight its importance and substantial contribution to the design process
Perceived in some cases as a pure aesthetic element, the decoration is in fact often seen by design purists as a useless device added to the functionality of the piece.
Although true in some cases, those of us who produce furniture for public areas know that the design process must follow different mechanisms than the ones used for the residential sector.
In fact, there is no commission in front of which to cut out, like a tailored dress, the design of your home or office, an interlocutor who can and must guide the project in the direction of its needs, interests and personal taste.
Whoever designs a public space must first of all plan an experience.
An experience that must translate into emotion, well-being and also, why not, amazement in those who will take advantage of that space, be it a restaurant, a reception, a hotel room or a simple passageway.
An emotion much more difficult to create than in the intimate spaces of a residential project where the memories, objects, photographs that are part of the personal experience of each of us, carry their baggage of suggestions and, the task of the designer, is to harmoniously place them in a more articulated and professionally studied framework.
Adding pathos and excitement to areas intended for the public is therefore fundamental but, right because “public” these sensations must leverage more shared emotions and a clever use of decoration is one of the most refined methods to achieve this.

In the Instagram era this is even more evident, images have never been as numerous and as shared and therefore designing “instagrammable” spaces becomes a duty for designers because only in this way, the same piece of furniture and the context in to which it has been inserted will become ambassadors of themselves, contributing in a substantial manner to the success of the premises for which they were designed. That’s why we dedicate this month to the various ways of “decorating” from the most classic to the 2.0 version and we will present models from our collection, that best represent this trend.

In WEEK ONE our “Q” armchair is presented as  a perfect example of how decoration can transform a piece of furniture in a unique product, almost a work of art, something that, alone, can give character to an entire project.
The 3D embroidery made in suede and applied onto the skin, on this occasion, was customized for the client and it decorates the outside back of our armchair. It is a completely manual process and therefore very precious and it requires extreme precision. The final effect is amazing, in this case further emphasized by the choice to use two different materials in contrasting colors.

In WEEK TWO we will  take you on board QUANTUM OF THE SEAS, one of the most beautiful cruise ships of the ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISE LINE fleet, to let you visit a very scenic and well designed walkaway.
In front of the entrance of two of the many restaurants onboard, the designers created a resting and meeting area using a highly iconic sofa, which creates an important focal point that highlights the premises where it is located, consequentially becoming firstly the object of promotion and secondly of the sale of a service.

ISOLA is a particular sofa with a sinuous, bi-frontal shape and very classic in the type of decoration: ‘capitonnè’.
A completely manual padding technique, known and appreciated already in France in the seventeenth century and which spans all historical periods and all nations, becoming “Classic” even in the traditional 19th century English upholstered furniture and even rediscovered in some current design pieces.

In WEEK THREE we will show you our 828A dining chair which was the perfect choice for the suites onboard the QUANTUM CLASS cruise ships by Royal Caribbean, but needed an aesthetic differentiation that would also visually mark the difference between the living and the sleeping areas and that it would not just be a simple change of upholstery material.
So here the most classic decoration, the capitonné. is used to add further character to the same piece and to highlight the difference in destination among the various planned areas.
An intelligent solution to keep the same style but whilst having the freedom to customize and characterize the various destination areas.
In this particular case further customization was required in the creation of two chairs at the head of the large dining table to highlight its importance.

We show you how capitonnè is made, a completely handmade process that requires great skills and which allows, as you have seen, to keep the same shape whilst achieving completely different aesthetic results

In WEEK FOUR,  speaking of decoration, we could not forget one of the most “decorated” periods of all times .
So here is our mood “THE VICTORIAN”, a true homage to this interesting source of inspiration.
Walls with large florals and soft velvets for a ladylike version, while for a mood worthy of a true gentleman, we have thought of dark woods and precious leather, which would perfectly fit in any self-respecting gentlemen’s club.
VALA ‘is a chaise longue with rigorous shapes presented in a soft cotton velvet in a rich night blue shade  with a fully blossomed floral background worthy of a royal garden.
CORA is an armchair with a typically British shapes in a light blue velvet, teamed with the interesting leather bench with modular rectangular panels and the structure in an antique brass color.
SEVERINE dining chairs are graceful in a plushy red velvet with a diamond pattern effect on the back. Yet another possibility in the different uses of decoration. The combination is with our ZAGARA dining table with a central calyx leg.

BAGAJ is another example of the use of capitonnè, used here to enrich the austere shape of this sofa, upholstered in black leather and combined with our ZIGO dark wood coffee table – The perfect combination for a Club House perhaps.